Case Study

Quest Master

The aim of this app is to solve the problem of less practice test due to Covid-19 situations.


QuestMaster is an app that helps students with exam preparation and assesses their learning at home by participating in practice quizzes. We also have a dedicated section for teachers, where teachers can check students’ performances and can assign quizzes to students. This is a B2B SaaS Beta version of the app, developed on-demand by schools.

My Role : UX Design Generalist

Responsibilities: Research, Wireframing, Prototyping, Lo-Fi Mockups, Hi-Fi Mockups, Usability Testing

Project Duration : December 2021- January 2022

Deliverables : Secondary Research, Competitive Analysis, Primary Research, User Surveys, User interviews, User personas, User journeys, Design brief, Storyboards, Sketches, Wireframes, Usability testing, User flow, Information Architecture, Prototypes

Clients : EuroKids, Teoler, KPS Udaan

The Problem

Students who are preparing for board exams are anxious about their courses. They are unable to attend school due to COVID-19. They are unable to communicate with their teachers or classmates. They are making every effort to learn from online platforms, but they are still unable to evaluate themselves. School administration and parents are also worried. Schools want a solution quickly and under budget.

How might we encourage students to overcome fear and anxiety.

Our Goal

The Solution

Provide an app that allows students to participate in practice quizzes to accomplish their goal of assessing their preparations for exams.


As schools demanded a quickest solution, we decided to go with “The Lean UX Process” so that we can produce a workable product as soon as possible.



Secondary & Primary Research | Competitive Analysis | Semi Structured Interviews | Insight Breakdown


Journey Mapping | Persona | Story Boarding | HMW



 Sketching | Wireframes  |  Prototypes | Lo-Fi Mockup | Hi-Fi Mockups | MVP


Testing & Feedbacks | Repeat

Testing | Feedback Session | Repeat the process

Researching Problem Space

To understand the realities of anxiety within the Gen Z, Millennial, Gen X, I immersed myself with stories from people within the community via:
  • Conducting semi-structured interviews with students who are actually the end user and suffering from anxiety
  • Conducting semi-structured interviews with parents and teachers
  • Reading journal articles & blogs related to anxiety, board exam and the education system
  • Becoming a member of micro-communities around anxiety control on social medias.


Through all these activities, it became apparent that the most difficult thing in fighting anxiety is lack of practice and assessments. Students were worried because they do not know how to measure their performance. They want to participate in mock tests but they do not have any system or app that is connected directly with their actual course.

Market Analysis

Competitive benchmarking revealed that there was no specific applicaiton that was designed to beat anxiety in students, and help theme to self assess.

I expanded my search area by looking into applications that were used to achieve goals or establish connections because these applications resembled the objective of my application. I did this because I knew that there were no specific applications that I could undertake competitive research on.

Conducted Semi-structured Interviews

Participants in interviews with more than 20 students and survey responses talked about the exam fear, learning methods and assessments.

I conducted semi-structured interviews with my target audience to better understand how they deal with exam fear today, as well as their difficulties in learning.

Breaking down of Insights

I discovered that the most difficult thing in fighting anxiety is lack of practice and assessments. Students were worried because they do not know how to measure their performance. 

They want to participate in mock tests but they do not have any system or app that is connected directly with their actual course.

Pain Points

Based on Empathy Map > Sights | Quotes | Influences | Pains Gains

No Schools

Students worried as they can not go to school

No Teachers

Without a teacher students can not solve problems

No Exams

Test exams are important before final exams

No Reports

Students can not assess themselves as they do not have reports


End User: Student



Problem Statement

“Amit is a brilliant student who needs a way to see his learning growth because his CBSE board exams are coming next and he can not connect with his teachers due to Covid-19 “

User Storyboarding

Finding the bare minimal features for our MVP is made easier by setting the persona in an ideal context scenario.

At this point, my main objective is to identify the design needs that we must support in order for these ideal situations to happen. My Idea generating phase would then be driven by these requirements.

MVP/Feature Prioritization

Now that I had a better idea of the problems we need to tackle and had brainstormed a list of possible solutions for them, I needed to prioritize my core features. To do this, I used the feature bucket method, in which features are split into three categories—those that are “nice to have”, “must have”, and “not now”.
Card Sorting

To ensure that our product has an intuitive and user friendly information architecture, I conducted an unmoderated card sorting exercise digitally through with 10 target users. This was done to help uncover my audience’s mental models, and understand how they categorize content under each predefined category. The card sorting session gave me a clear view of how to categorize each tab and the content underneath it in my app designs.

Information Architecture: Sitemap

Now that I had some clarity into how to structure content into proper categories from my card sorting exercise, I was then able to start building out my information architecture. I came up with a sitemap in order to get a bird’s eye view of the organization and screens involved in the app.

Starting the Design

Paper Wireframes

Digital Wireframes

Low-Fidelity Prototype

Usability Studies

Paper Wireframes

Based on research and defined problem statement, we started thinking about an app that could help students to assess their progress and inform students about weak points where they need more practice.

Digital Wireframes


Frustration with Finding Quick Quizz

Before usability study

After usability study

Few Polished Screens

High-Fidelity Prototype


Throughout the course of this project’s development, there were several setbacks and learning experiences.

  • Developing compassion for a user population I didn’t know a lot about has really aided in my development as a designer.
  • As I conducted numerous usability sessions with these users during my initial observation sessions, I came to appreciate the value of real-world context and how much more you can learn about your user by actually being with them as opposed to reading about them.
  • Since I created and developed this application, my understanding of technological limitations and feasibility has significantly increased, and I am now more equipped to define achievable product milestones.
  • You should consider every possible use case and design a user flow for it since you never know when a use case will turn into an edge case.

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